Talk to Me (2023)

It seems that at least once a year, we find ourselves in a situation where a film is being sold under the deadliest five words any work can ever hope to have attached to it: “the scariest film ever made”, which is a term that is thrown around with such immense recklessness, it has essentially…

Birth/Rebirth (2023)

Death is inevitable, which is a fact that many of us try and avoid thinking about, whether it is our own demise or the passing of a loved one. However, sometimes it comes prematurely, and it can throw those left behind for a loop, especially when it comes to the harrowing experience of a parent…

Tuftland (2017)

There are many different motivations for making a horror film, and perhaps the most common comes in the form of those who aim to create films that reflect the darkest aspects of our psychological state, the nightmares that prevent us from falling asleep and haunt our daily lives – this doesn’t apply to every horror…

Haunted Mansion (2023)

In recent years, Disney has been trying everything to scrounge up enough interest in their live-action films, which do tend to make a decent amount of money, but not nearly enough to be considered as radically successful as their past work, as well as their animated output, which has been the focus of much of…

Renfield (2023)

One of the unfortunate realities that we all have to face when it comes to cinema is that some of the most ambitious ideas tend to be wasted on mediocre talents, or manifest in a way that is disappointing to say the least. One of the most recent examples of an exceptional concept not reaching…

The Evil Dead (1981)

The trope of the “cabin in the woods” horror (which focus on a group of characters that venture into some rural, isolated part of the world and find themselves confronted with sinister forces, whether tangible or supernatural) has become so taut and overworked, it seems impossible to fully comprehend where it started, if such a…

Cat People (1942)

If you read any material that discusses the life and times of Val Lewton, you will come across one word that is perhaps most defining of him as an artist – “atavistic”. The word, which means that which relates to the antiquity or ancestral worlds, is something that remained one of the primary themes behind…

The Body Snatcher (1945)

They quite simply don’t make horror films like they used to. Something about the way filmmakers during the Golden Age of Hollywood managed to terrify audiences has allowed several to remain as effective today as they were at the time of their original release. The rise of the B-movie and monster film allowed many directors…

Infinity Pool (2023)

Great filmmakers don’t necessarily produce the most auspicious progeny, and allegations of nepotism have never been more relevant than they are today, when we see the inexplicable rise to fame of some truly unworthy talents. Mercifully, there are a few that warrant their status, and when Brandon Cronenberg released Possessor a few years ago, it…

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)

Over time, the premise established by Robert Louis Stevenson in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has become so taut and over-worn, it is a surprise anyone has been able to find a new perspective with which to approach this story, especially since it has been subjected to every conceivable genre coming…